Dhanushkodi Beach, Dhanushkodi


About Dhanushkodi Beach

Dhanushkodi Beach lies on the tip of the Rameswaram island. In this beach, the Bay of Bengal and Indian Ocean merge which is known as Arichal Munai in Tamil. Before 1964, Dhanushkodi was a busy city with lots of crowds. The Dhanushkodi Beach attracted thousands of tourists each day. In 1964, Dhanushkodi was hit by a cyclone and was almost destroyed by it. It is considered a ghost town, as the place became uninhabitable. Tourists still visit Dhanushkodi Beach in large numbers. The main attractions of the beach are Ram sethu view point and the Adam's Bridge, which was said to be constructed by the army of monkeys for Lord Rama according to Hindu Legend. The Dhanushkodi beach is said to be not safe for those who cannot swim as the surf is above twelve feet at certain points.
Dhanushkodi Beach is located in City of Dhanushkodi state of Tamil Nadu which has other variety of things to explore

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